
Bred’s Nashville Hot Chicken

ABOUT OUR RESTAURANT Bred Scott is the owner and creator of Bred Hot Chicken. As a "foodie", with a love for spicy foods, and a passion for finding new dishes, his wife and co-owner Laura, decided to share their own flavor notes with the public within a fiery fried chicken and delectable side dishes.

And to much avail…research shows that every demographic loves fried chicken :). On that note, they made the confident decision to relocate into Orange County California, and share their concept with the multitude of demographics and ethnicities that may not be familiar with Southern Cooking. From their signature Mac N Cheezy, to their fresh-pressed Lemon Sqweezy, Bred’s brings you a constant mouth-watering delight. The most important task upon ordering is choosing your spice level. With a full spectrum of heat, from a kiss of cayenne to death daggers of Carolina Reaper, it is suggested that you CHOOSE WISELY…or go, Wimpy, AKA (All Flavor No Spice). Thank you for supporting an independent, black-owned business.
